Dealing with Impact Noise

One of the most common sound complaints we get here at ATS is footstep noise from rooms above. We constantly have customers calling us and saying things like; “I can hear my neighbors walking above me and sliding their chairs around…And It’s Driving Me Nuts!” Many of them are hoping that they can simply add a few acoustic panels to the ceiling and the problem will be taken care of.  Unfortunately it is not that simple.  Our panels are designed to treat other common acoustic problems within a room, such as slap/flutter echo.  They are not very effective at sound isolation (stopping the transfer of sound from one room to another).  To solve this problem you can check out our line of sound isolation products.  To understand the options for reducing the impact noise, the first question is whether you can change the floor above (removing the existing floor and starting over), or whether the improvements have to be made from below. If you can renovate the existing floor (which is the most effective method), please check out our New Floor Construction Page. If you cannot remove the existing floor, then take a look at the Upgrade Existing Ceiling Page.