
Knauf ECOSE® Black Acoustical Board, 2 inch (Single Pc)

Knauf ECOSEŽ Insulation Black Acoustical Board 2
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Also available in a 6 Pack.

Price: $45.62

Made in the USA.


Knauf ECOSEŽ Insulation Black Acoustical 2" boards are a heavy density fiberglass board insulation bonded with ECOSEŽ Technology. These insulation boards contain no phenol, formaldehyde, acrylics, or artificial colors and are a safe and healthy alternative to regular fiberglass materials.

Specs and Features:

  • 24" x 48" x 2"
  • Black surface provides a visual barrier with an aesthetic appearance, in both wall and ceiling applications.
  • Certified for indoor air quality as a low emitting product by The GREENGUARD Environmental Institute.
  • Safe for homes, schools and office installations.
  • Certified by the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute for the GREENGUARD Children and Schools standard.

Application: Designed for use as acoustical insulation and/or a visual barrier on walls and ceilings. Typically used where frames are not present.

If you need fewer than 6 pieces of Knauf Insulation Boards, reduce waste and save money by buying individual pieces here. For larger projects purchase Knauf Insulation Black Acoustical Board 2" 6PK.

For more detailed information, see Selecting the Right Acoustic Material for a comparison of these materials.

Hello ATS, I used your 2" 703 to build my DIY side wall and ceiling first reflection panels, seen here front view.
- Michael

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Customer Comments

Our panels are up and we believe they helped a lot. It really helped the echo even just putting them on the back wall of the sanctuary.
- Harvest Bible Church
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